i don’t like to toot my own horn but jmay request­ed what the class thought of my lat­est. here are some of their com­ments:

  • cool chess imagery — this is quite an accom­plish­ment. jug­gler. jug­gler…
  • once again, your depth of his­tor­i­cal or the­mat­ic knowl­edge here is applied and over my head, but in this case it does­n’t take away from the grasp on the poem. i real­ly can’t say any­thing about this poem neg­a­tive­ly.
  • great imagery, also great use of enjamb­ment… very nice use of words, esp. descrip­tive verbs & adjec­tives.
  • all around great lan­guage, crisp spe­cif­ic word choice.
  • your use of meter is…well done and keeps the poem mov­ing for­ward.
  • works very well in son­net form.
  • i real­ly like the way chess becomes a metaphor for pol­i­tics or the chess­board comes alive and the pieces become sen­tient.
