J Dreams

The night before last was near­ly sleep­less for me. Typ­i­cal­ly I have almost com­plete con­trol over what I dream about, even unto night­mares. Yet Mon­day night, I had quite uncom­fort­able dreams, and I am not cer­tain why they were so uncom­fort­able. Every dream I had, and when ever and where ever it took place, my best friend friend from high school and the first per­son I ever fell for, J, appeared. She was­n’t as I remem­ber her from HS, she was 4 years old­er, pret­ti­er and even more quixot­ic. Like some sort of arche­typ­al fig­ure. The dreams were all stan­dard fair, noth­ing tawdry, but invari­ably J would turn up, act in a com­plete­ly nor­mal way, and freak me out every time. I would always wake myself up imme­di­ate­ly after she asked a per­fect­ly innocu­ous ques­tion.

At the Fair — Have you rid­den the Fer­ris Wheel?
At my home — How have you been?
On the street — Do I have some­thing on the back of my coat?
etc. ad infini­tum

I’m not sure what this night of cracked dream­ing means. It could mean that I still have unre­solved feel­ings toward J. She could be noth­ing more than the best sym­bol my mind could come up with to rep­re­sent what­ev­er it is that I am anx­ious about at this time. It could mean some­thing else entire­ly. I just don’t know. First I need to fig­ure out what is per­co­lat­ing in the recess­es of my mind. Then I’ll have a bet­ter idea I think. If you have any ques­tions or need clar­i­fi­ca­tions ask, because I am sure they will help me fig­ure some of this out.

4 thoughts on “J Dreams”

  1. To dream about a for­mer crush, refers to that par­tic­u­lar peri­od in your life and what you were feel­ing. The for­mer crush rep­re­sents a point in time when you first had the crush on that per­son.
    To dream that you are at the fair, sug­gests that you have over­came some minor obsta­cle and ready to move for­ward with renewed ener­gy.
    To see your home in your dream, sig­ni­fies secu­ri­ty, basic needs, and val­ues. You may feel at home at your new job or you final­ly feel set­tled and com­fort­able in a new envi­ron­ment
    To see a street in your dream, sym­bol­izes your life’s path. The con­di­tion of the street reflects how much con­trol you have over the direc­tion of your life. Is there a name on the street which can offer some sig­nif­i­cance or hints to the mean­ing of the dream. To see side streets, refers to a need to explore and return to more tra­di­tion­al ways. It may also sug­gest and alter­na­tive way of life.
    To dream that you are expe­ri­enc­ing some anx­i­ety in some affair, is a reflec­tion of what you may be feel­ing dur­ing your wak­ing life. You may have repressed thoughts, unex­pressed emo­tions, resent­ment, and hos­til­i­ty that are trig­ger­ing your anx­i­ety dream. This dream also denotes that you are dis­as­trous mix­ing busi­ness with plea­sure.

    This infor­ma­tion is based on Dream research by sci­en­tists and psy­choanal­ists at Dreammoods.com
    I hope it helps or is at least amus­ing.

  2. i need to pay atten­tion to my dreams, they are oh so enter­tain­ing most of the time.

    also, i don’t believe the places i am locat­ed in my dreams mean any­thing, its my actions and inter­ac­tions that give me insights.

  3. Some­time dur­ing my last year of High School I start­ed get­ting too weird­ed out by my dreams, so I’ve since made a fair­ly good effort to not remem­ber or pay atten­tion to them. Sor­ry if that isn’t much help, but it would real­ly dri­ve my crazy if I tried to pay atten­tion to them. I know I still dream, I just have made such an effort to not remem­ber them, that I’ve seemed to have for­got­ten how to turn it back on.

  4. Dreams are very, very inter­est­ing. I tend to take mine rather lit­er­al­ly, since my brain real­ly despis­es the abstract. Good luck fig­ur­ing out your brain.

    Speak­ing of “J”, send the woman an email. I have it on good author­i­ty she miss­es talk­ing to you. Or, what­ev­er.

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