Titanic Trashcans

DSC02363 My street just made the cut to be one of the pilot areas for a retry at Cleve­land Curb­side Recy­cling. I’m quite pumped about this because I recy­cle most of my waste, and pil­ing it into my car and dri­ving to the near­est dropoff point seemed a bit cock­eyed. My cans showed up today. In addi­tion to the curb­side recy­cling, there is also a City of Cleve­land Approved Reg­u­lar Trash Can, a 96-gal­lon behe­moth that I will pret­ty much nev­er fill. I aver­age about 1 kitchen-sized bag of actu­al trash every two weeks. Since my house is a 2‑unit, I got 4 cans. In addi­tion to the two cans I’d pur­chased on my own, this brings my trash­can total to 6. Four of them are in my tum­ble­down shed.

The recy­cling can is already full.

One thought on “Titanic Trashcans”

  1. hey Mad­man, my street is also in the pilot trash/recycling pro­gram. Yes, it will take weeks to fill one of those black bins. On the bright side, it’ll be nice to not have to dri­ve recy­cling out to the sub­urbs!

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