Today was long and fruit­ful. I learned much, but the main thing is some­thing I fig­ured out just now as I fired up the brows­er to write this post. This last year has been a sub­con­scious seek­ing of new path­ways and chal­lenges. I start­ed two new blogs, joined the W3C, joined Gov­Loop, start­ed the pur­suit of an MPA, found a new tim­bre to my own par­tic­u­lar voice and phi­los­o­phy and just recent­ly decid­ed to get back into the swing of things around here. I broke out of my root ball and made myself stretch into new soil. I’m even up on HTML5 and CSS3, though noth­ing vis­i­ble has come from that yet.

I still have a hard time admit­ting that I’m wrong about things. Thank­ful­ly my rela­tion­ship with Deb­o­rah has helped me be bet­ter at say­ing “I don’t know” in both my pri­vate and pro­fes­sion­al lives. I’ve got­ten bet­ter at sup­port­ing my own argu­ments and posi­tions, and hope­ful­ly more tact­ful as well. I’d like to think that the result is a more refined and mature ver­sion of myself, but I’m still quite aware of just how far I have to go. Aware­ness of the extent of my faults is anoth­er bonus. The take­away from this is that I am a per­son who is going to con­stant­ly be set­ting myself tasks for learn­ing, teach­ing and grow­ing.

We even got the Christ­mas tree up.