of all the things to have space age design, tooth­brush­es should be rather far down on the list, but instead of dri­ving a car that runs off the con­stant bom­bard­ment of neu­tri­nos from space, my tooth­brush can do it all. I just bought it a few days ago. apart from the now stan­dard ergonom­ic body design guar­an­teed to clean those hard to reach back teeth, my tooth­brush also comes equipped with a unique micro­bris­tle design which cleans teeth bet­ter. the end of each reg­u­lar bris­tle has been cut into many small­er bristlettes, hence the micro­bris­tle. the split-ends of the don­tic world. it also has a flex­i­ble head to adjust to the con­tours of my mouth and a longer bris­tled tip to get behind those pesky back teeth again. Even the han­dle has been designed to fit nice­ly in the hand, it has sev­er­al ridges on it which mas­sage my thumb and fore­fin­ger for the whole minute and a half that i brush my teeth. The biggest sell­ing point of the brush is its brand-spank­ing-new ‘whiten­ing strip’ that curves between the bris­tles and appar­ent­ly will give me whiter teeth in a few short weeks. all it is: a piece of flim­sy rub­ber that acts like the auto­mat­ed car wash cloths on your teeth, a kind of back and forth slap­ping motion. Now, if they made an auto­mat­ed ver­sion that also gave me the morn­ing news, then it’d be per­fect. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, I can­na find a pic­ture of it for it appears that the men­tadent web­site is expe­ri­enc­ing tech­ni­cal dif­fi­cul­ties.