
how much are peo­ple will­ing to give of them­selves? are the major­i­ty sat­is­fied with super­fi­cial­i­ty? it is a lone­ly world if noone wants to be there for you. it must be even lone­li­er if you do not want to be there for any­one else. dif­fer­ent masks for dif­fer­ent tasks, i’m a dif­fer­ent per­son around dif­fer­ent peo­ple, so which is the real me? it is hard to be omni-nat­u­rae if you feel like a lusus nat­u­rae. (Nota Bene: i don’t know latin). how do i define myself among a group of peo­ple to whom inter­nal decon­struc­tion is mean­ing­less? i can only ana­lyze my exis­tence up to a cer­tain point before i need some­one to dia­logue with. i do not exist alone, although i am a lon­er. some­times i for­get how to be in a pack…

is there any­body out there?