Spring Break 2002

well i’m back from break. this one is gonna be long so pre­pare your­self. it was nice being home for even a few days, as it is also nice being back here when mike isn’t around so i can actu­al­ly be in my room. i read “let us now praise famous men” by james agee while at home. on the way up i lis­tened to Poe’s Haunt­ed album, the toad­ies, BOC, The Crow Sound­track, and jim­mie’s chick­en shack. i bought a cool hat and a toad­ies tshirt at good­will for $2.68, you just can’t beat it. it is a beau­ti­ful day out today. the per­fect girl for me is a girl who is inde­pen­dent, not high-main­te­nance, and strong. i want some­one who is intel­lec­tu­al­ly stim­u­lat­ing and will be there for me when i am weak, and who will call on me when she is in sim­i­lar straits. yet, i want a girl who is com­pas­sion­ate and deter­mined, sym­pa­thet­ic and full of fun. mom thinks i am too horny. she does­n’t real­ize that the major­i­ty of guys are just as bad, and for me in par­tic­u­lar, i have been this way for years, just now i am talk­ing about it. the NCAA fenc­ing cham­pi­onship is next week­end, i hope we win, we have wait­ed long enough and deserve it. my friend phil is com­ing up to vis­it some­time this week­end. i’m work­ing on get­ting my web­cam to stream video but i need the java scripts for it…chuck helped me out with a site. i put in a cou­ple of new poems as well…purge and cel­lar door. i have reen­forced and nota­rized the state­ment that “i burn” by the toad­ies is my favorite song ever. i got the album up and work­ing so you no longer need a pass­word to see the pic­tures. i know there was more to write about but i can­not think of it right now. peace.