Site as Mind

every­thing that is writ­ten in this weblog is the prop­er­ty of me myself and i. this site is my mind. i am in total con­trol of my mind. i choose to delete com­ments that are not con­struc­tive or appro­pri­ate for my mind. say­ing that you are ‘telling it like you see it’ does not mean you have license to say any­thing you want. you must jus­ti­fy your­self in my mind. i am the only one here who can call it like i see it because this is MINE. peo­ple who know me under­stand that i think in rhetor­i­cal cir­cles and hypo­thet­i­cals, which after enough rev­o­lu­tions bring about results. noth­ing is direct­ed at a spe­cif­ic sub­ject. there might be a spe­cif­ic impe­tus that sparks the thought process, but i try very hard not to let my judge­ment affect my social con­science. THEREFORE, to those that choose to reply to my ram­blings: if you assail me with dis­junc­tive alle­ga­tions or attempt to place your­self in a omni­scient rela­tion toward me as one who has it all togeth­er. i am on to you, liar. wis­dom and thoughts are more than wel­come, but on an equal foot­ing with every­thing else.‘Wisdom’ that places itself in a pow­er posi­tion over any­thing is so much seman­tic bull­shit. i wel­come con­struc­tive dis­cus­sion and wry cri­tique but abuse will be wiped out. what do YOU think?