Addicted to Weblogs

signs you are addict­ed to weblog­ging.

1. your weblog is the start­up page on your inter­net brows­er

2. you spend more time read­ing weblogs than doing work

3. you make lists about weblog addic­tion

4. when you meet friends who also blog, you talk about your respec­tive weblogs with them (very nerdy)

5. you use words like blog, blog­ger, blog­ging, and midget pornog­ra­phy, in nor­mal con­ver­sa­tion

6. when peo­ple ask you what you have been up to late­ly you refer them to your blog

7. you are actu­al­ly read­ing this list

8. you donate reg­u­lar­ly to MetaFil­ter (MeFi)

9. you refer to MeFi as MeFi

10. your list of links to oth­er weblogs exceeds 25. (total­ly arbi­trary on my part)

11. you do com­pli­cat­ed nume­r­i­al acro­bat­ics with your web­stats in a des­per­ate bid to see if you are get­ting more pop­u­lar

12. you have/are a blogstalk­er

13. how many com­ments you have deter­mines your self-esteem for the day

14. you use tags in the place of quo­ta­tion marks or to add an emo­tion to a com­ment. ex: