Staring at Women Day

6.12.02 here i am in the Men­doza Col­lege of Busi­ness Com­put­er Clus­ter, sur­round­ed by attrac­tive women (no i’m not kid­ding) and i am total­ly social­ly impo­tent. all i can do is look. i have no guts, tes­ti­cles, huevos, balls, what­ev­er. even if i do go up to one and ask her, rejec­tion by her means rejec­tion by every girl in the place. i mean who wants to be sec­ond frikin choice. the thing is, i don’t real­ly care. its just nice to bitch about. there is this girl right across from me right now, long brunette hair tied back into a com­bo bun/ponytail thingy dark brown eyes, thin and maybe 5′5″ absolute­ly beau­ti­ful. wear­ing this tan col­ored ribbed cardi­gan and a white col­lared shirt, she looks very nice and busi­ness casu­al. and here i sit, wear­ing my specs, scruffy with a week’s growth of facial hair (not all that much to be sure) mussed hair, my toad­ies shirt, and shorts that were once pants. yeah i stand a chance. espe­cial­ly in this hall of sold souls that is the busi­ness col­lege. she has her pick of any jcrew wear­ing upward­ly mobile syco­phant in this place. stu­pid world. i hope they all get some sort of strange acidic green fun­gus that slow­ly dri­ves them insane and makes them have per­ma­nent BO. ahh and now she is leav­ing. off to make some rich prick very hap­py in her quest for a secure lifestyle. even though he won’t talk to her, respect her, assist her or please her sex­u­al­ly. (im not say­ing i could do any of those things but i still need the chance). i’m not going to change though. i like who i am (except for the social­ly impo­tent part). it feels good to write like the hitlist again. don’t wor­ry i’m still rusty. it’ll get bet­ter. check out Bit­ter Films and the kung fu ham­ster.

Q: what is blue and shakes in the cor­ner?

A: a baby in a bag.

Q: what is green and sits in the cor­ner?

A: the same baby 2 weeks lat­er.