Weezer, buh-dy

Weez­er, budd‑y! Last night was a good con­cert night and could only have been improved if the Strokes had­n’t had to can­cel. Of course, there was the inevitable road­trip asso­ci­at­ed with attend­ing a con­cert in the mid­west but O My how fun it was. I got some free con­cert tix to a 12 local band show in Sep­tem­ber and a drum­stick. The first band Phil, Kyle, Cramer, and I saw was lou­d­er­milk. Apart from being rather small and effem­i­nate they rocked out pret­ty well. The singer had a good scream. Then we went in and got our seats.

The next band on was Spar­ta. They are good, punk rock mes­sage with a laid back con­trolled stage pres­ence. Next up on sec­ond stage was my pleas­ant sur­prise of the evening. Home­town Hero kicks lots of ass. They real­ly got into their act and were goof­ing around quite a bit, but not so much as to pre­vent mas­sive gui­tar riffage and rock­ing out. I def­i­nite­ly rec­om­mend buy­ing their CD. Dash­board Con­fes­sion­al was next on the main stage and he was bor­ing as hell. Emo music just ain’t my thang, in fact, it makes me angry lis­ten­ing to it. All of the sweater­wear­ing thick­rimmed glass­es wear­ing hug­gy pseu­do prep-hip­py hybrid sen­si­tiv­i­ty first Emo kids real­ly dug him though.

Next on sec­ond stage was AM Radio. These guys were all about get­ting the crowd to have a good time. I enjoyed them but prob­a­bly would­n’t buy their CD. They are the type of band that you go see live. At the end of their set, they had the guys from Home­town Hero come on stage and the Dash­board Con­fes­sion­al dude did as well. Once he walked out every­one start­ed scream­ing as if he were Jesu Cristo him­self, which stole the spot­light from AM Radio who were doing a damn good job. After their set I got one of the drum­sticks (I was right up against the stage), and we went to see Weez­er.

First song played, my favorite, Say it Ain’t So. Suh-weet. Next song Dope Nose, even bet­ter. What fol­lowed was hap­py rock bliss. They played Hash Pipe and El Scor­cho and of course Bud­dy Hol­ly. They played Keep Fishin’ my favorite song off of their new album. It was good. They lit up the big bright W and even had pyrotech­nics. The encore was Death and Destruc­tion, which was a rather strange choice, but hey, they’re Weez­er, and weird.

show was over by 11 we did­n’t get back to Pur­due till 2, took us for­ev­er to get back to the inter­state. Then we ate at Den­ny’s and I had the lum­ber­jack spe­cial. Once we got to Pur­due, I crashed at Phil’s place for 3.5 hours, got up at 5:30 and drove back to ND to come to work at 8. I was only two min­utes late. so today I am a zom­bie.

In oth­er news, I am also now using the yel­low bar for ran­dom links. thanks for shar­ing now shut up adam.