Friday mp3

last week­end was fresh­man ori­en­ta­tion. this week­end is fresh­man dis­ori­en­ta­tion. *evil laugh* they’ll be ok, i’ll watch out for ’em.

i’m going to try some­thing new for Fri­days. I guess it needs a name so I’ll call it the Fri­day mp3. Every Fri­day, for a 24 hour peri­od or there­abouts i’ll put up an mp3 for down­load­age and talk about it a lit­tle bit as well.

This week’s choice is The Dark is Ris­ing by Mer­cury Rev. I first heard of them on Last Call with Car­son Daly from David Bowie. They are hard to clas­si­fy in a spe­cif­ic genre oth­er than indie, but the wail­ing lyrics and melange of styles give it an inter­est­ing alien­at­ed fla­vor that is a wel­come escape from the ‘my ‘rents suck cuz no one under­stands why i like being a fuck­up’ nu-met­al bands. Oth­er good songs include: Night and Fog, God­dess on a High­way, and Spi­ders and Flies.