Upcoming Concerts

I’m start­ing to get hyped up, in a week i get to go see David Bowie and Moby on the Area2 tour, and Juliana Hat­field. Plus I’m going to get to chill with some friends a I haven’t seen in awhile in Chica­go. I’ve also been lis­ten­ing to some new music. my bud­dy Matt rec­om­mend­ed Dove­tail Joint, they sound pret­ty good although i’ve only got one song so far. Phil always has the hook up and I’ve lis­ten­ing to alot more Self late­ly. (Rolling Stone says they are an indus­tri­al pop band, is that even pos­si­ble)? On my own I found out about The Shins. They are just ok. A lit­tle too mel­low and spaced-out for my taste. They seem like they are a rip-off clone band, but I’m not sure. As always I need new musi­cal groups to lis­ten to. Feed me peo­ple! What have you lis­tened to late­ly that has inspired you?

I’m going to talk about the Machines of Lov­ing Grace again. This ear­ly indus­tri­al band from Tuc­son, Ari­zona is just plain badass. I was in Tuc­son when they start­ed to get pop­u­lar but unfor­tu­nate­ly I was also only 11 and had­n’t heard of the bas­tards. I don’t think I have come across anoth­er band with such a large repetoire of brood­ing melod­ic and per­cus­sive songs that are all of rather high qual­i­ty. Its a shame they did­n’t get big. If you have The Crow Sound­track (every­one should) you’ll prob­a­bly rec­og­nize their song Gol­go­tha Ten­e­ment Blues.