Hanged Over

as i write this i am expe­ri­enc­ing my first ever hang­over. its not too bad, but i had no idea wine would affect me in this way. now i do and can avoid repeat­ing the per­for­mance. the fenc­ing par­ty last night was a good time and my croa­t­ian team­mate Ozren’s 25th(?) birth­day. who knows, hap­py birth­day to him any­way. i also wore my ‘AVAILABLE’ shirt last night, that i had made my fresh­man year as a joke. right across the chest in bold red let­ters is the word AVAILABLE, so its not sub­tle at all. the thing is, it seemed many chi­cas enjoyed com­ment­ing on it and com­pli­ment­ing me. they also want their own AVAILABLE shirts. Per­haps a pre­pon­der­ance of said shirts with said say­ing would pro­mote gen­der rela­tions here at ND.