Malicious Mechanisms

tonight i’m going to watch Wak­ing Life (Lin­klater, 2001). its sup­pos­ed­ly a very inter­est­ing type of ani­ma­tion con­vert­ed from live action. i’m skip­ping out on my Film Noir screen­ing of Dou­ble Indem­ni­ty (Wilder, 1944) to go see it. its just anoth­er one of those mali­cious mech­a­nisms that pre­vent film majors from going to NDcin­e­ma by sched­ul­ing class­es dur­ing those times.

i got all of my free shit from Var­si­ty Issue yes­ter­day, we get less than all the oth­er teams but it is still quite a bit. Adi­das treats us well, i got a sweat­suit, track pants, long and short sleeved under­ar­mor, span­dex shorts, two pairs of mesh shorts, two shirts, two pairs of extra long and extra thick socks, run­ning shoes and a bag to car­ry it all in. Once they get in I will also get fenc­ing shoes, san­dals, and warmups. I’d esti­mate that if I pur­chased all of this retail I would have spent upwards of $500. damn.