Report Card

a protes­tant work eth­ic, cou­pled with a catholic guilt com­plex results in nev­erend­ing stress for me. i got back two midterms and a paper, a- on all three. good for me. how­ev­er, try­ing to get approval to shoot and to coor­di­nate 7 dif­fer­ent film shoots around every­one’s sched­ules and at the dif­fer­ent times in three weeks is almost impos­si­ble. not to men­tion that i have a prospec­tus and anno­tat­ed bib­li­og­ra­phy for one class, a quiz in anoth­er and a report due in yet anoth­er dur­ing this time. and in 5 years none of this will have mat­tered. in a 200, noth­ing i will have done will have mat­tered. how can i make a last­ing impact on the world? and why do i want to? is it fame or altru­ism?