Boxer Shorts

i ran out of clean box­er shorts this morn­ing. so i decid­ed it was time for me to do some laun­dry. its in the dry­er right now. but hav­ing to go com­man­do for the first morn­ing of study days got me think­ing. i’m pret­ty damn par­tic­u­lar about my box­er shorts. they can’t be tight at all, oth­er­wise i might as well wear tighty-whiteys or whitey-tightys whichev­er. and box­er briefs are only for the inde­ci­sive. which i maybe don’t think i am. i’m not sure. when i pur­chase my box­ers i have to like the pat­tern of them or i won’t get them. and i must nev­er have box­ers with the same pat­tern. even after this total­ly unnec­es­sary deci­sion-mak­ing process (who else sees them but me?) i still have my favorite pairs. the ones that when all of my box­ers are clean, and i’m going com­man­do, i take first. cur­rent­ly i have two favorite pairs. this does­n’t hap­pen often but since both pairs are real­ly nice shades of blue i can’t real­ly decide. one is a sol­id deep sky blue or maybe the col­or of a raque­t­ball. the oth­er pair is an alto­geth­er dark­er shade of blue with criss-cross­ing navy blue pin stripes.

but it gets stranger. when i have an impor­tant occa­sion, say a meet­ing with a girl i like or a pre­sen­ta­tion or oth­er spe­cial event, i make sure that i save my box­ers for that occa­sion. they aren’t real­ly lucky box­ers, i’m not super­sti­tious like that but in a sense they ful­fill the same pur­pose. i guess if i feel good about what is sur­round­ing my naughty bits then i feel good about my vis­i­ble appearence.

but for that to fol­low i would have to hate myself when i go com­man­do when in fact i feel lib­er­at­ed. and a lit­tle sticky. but that’s cuz i haven’t show­ered.