Her Poem

I gave her her poem the oth­er day as a christ­mas gift. the edit­ed ver­sion. i think it reads bet­ter. she said she likes it alot. but when she says that, i’m not sure what kind of friend she is being…either the “I’ll say I like it because I don’t want to risk hurt­ing his feel­ings” friend or the “I Real­ly Actu­al­ly Like it, and even if I did­n’t I would say that I did­n’t like it because frank­ness is best” friend. i gave it to her and left before she opened it. i was scared of what could go wrong. we had chat­ted for a cou­ple of hours and it was good. i did­n’t want to risk…something. she is of great inter­est to me. but she is leav­ing. frick frick frick. what to do! frick.

i should speak to her that i have an inter­est in dat­ing, see­ing, hold­ing, (frick-what do any of those terms mean?) her. But at the same time express my desire to not com­pli­cate things by imme­di­ate­ly hav­ing her leave the coun­try for months. But after­ward, if she is will­ing, i’ll still be around.

yet, am i will­ing to stick around for a mere pos­si­bil­i­ty? to put my dreams on hold to see if we are good for each oth­er? is she worth that risk? I am an awful risk tak­er when it comes to rela­tion­ships… but… is this dream… is she.… .. . ? frick.

an fur­ther exam­i­na­tion of my feel­ings of infe­ri­or­i­ty in the realm of love can be found here.