The Ever-Victorious Army

ever vic­to­ri­ous, the fenc­ing team #2 in the nation — soon to be #1 lat­er this week — swept the field again at Duke this week­end. i only fenced one bout. but when i got on the strip, the over­all win­ner for men’s epee was still up for grabs. by the time i left the strip we had it clinched.

but i lost the bout.

y’see, Duke was tied with us, but their loss against Stan­ford gave us the edge to win and even though i lost, there was no com­ing back for them.

the women won it all too. so we took home 6 cups. we drank out of the tro­phies last night. and i’m going out to cel­e­brate more this evening.

read about it.

see it from behind the scenes.

ok so i left here to go do a lit­tle drink­ing before i post­ed. went over to Jan’s and i fin­ished off his cra­pass vod­ka and put a dent into his whiskey, so accord­ing­ly and in full cog­nizance of my actions, i am fight­ing a small hang­over. i deserved both. some oth­er stuff about the Duke trip: some of us ate in a restau­rant that was some­what Kenyan some­what soul food some­what shady and eclec­tic as all hell. they had Fried Spam on the menu to give you an idea of what kind of place it was. i had some­thing called Samosa that was pret­ty damn good though.