Round and Round We Go

round and round we go.

i’m drop­ping my Fic­tions of Insan­i­ty class. but if i drop it i’ll be two cred­its short for grad­u­a­tiong. so i’m pick­ing up a 2cred Soci­ol­o­gy class that starts in april. in order to do this i had to call the insti­tute for lati­no stud­ies who had an open spot crosslist­ed with this class. in order to do this i sent her an email and am cur­rent­ly wait­ing for her reply. once i get it i may go to her office and get the nec­es­sary doc­u­ments to get into the class. then i must go to the eng­lish depart­ment and get the nec­es­sary doc­u­ments to drop the insan­i­ty class. fol­low­ing this, i must go to the under­grad­u­ate dean’s office to make absolute­ly sure every­thing will work out cred­it­wise and that i will grad­u­ate in two months. then it is off to the reg­is­trar to drop the 3cred eng­lish and pick up the 2cred soci­ol­o­gy class.

all of this effort to avoid tak­ing the insan­i­ty midterm today. the study guide starts out with “Know the title, author, date pub­lished and major themes of all the text {sic} we have read thus far” and gets worse from there. how dry and unin­ter­est­ing not to men­tion the clos­est appari­tion i can think of to knowl­edge being use­less.

round and round we go.