Iraqi Stereotype

i’ve found some­thing dis­turb­ing. when­ev­er i catch a bit of news regard­ing the war, which is not much because as long as peo­ple are dying i don’t care for it, but when­ev­er i catch a bit of news con­tain­ing a pic­ture of a mous­ta­chioed Iraqi, they all look like Sad­dam Hus­sein. It is quite hard to tell one mous­ta­chioed Iraqi from anoth­er, and i’m pret­ty sure this is pur­pose­ful. every­one knows about Sad­dam’s dop­pel­gangers. every­one knows that Sad­dam is crazy. every­one knows Sad­dam has a mous­tache. but if it appears that every Iraqi has a mous­tache and looks like Sad­dam — does it not fol­low that all Iraqis are crazy? This is how racial pro­fil­ing pro­lif­er­ates. Even if it is unin­ten­tion­al, the abun­dance of mous­ta­chioed evil Iraqis will cre­ate a stereo­type that all Iraqis are evil and mous­ta­chioed.