Gallagher’s Revenge

there are omens
mutants, mis­fits, hal­lu­ci­na­tions
caused by
debauched somat­ic con­jur­ings
(yes, always a chem­i­cal to make it bet­ter)

then the earth rebels
fire, brim­stone, ash, and grease
a pan­gaea­ic binge and purge
of frus­tra­tion and pol­lut­ed
skies scarred by pur­ple light­ning
bloat­ed by neb­u­lous clouds
(it is only el ni?o)

flo­ra and fau­na implode
rab­bits eat their young
vul­tures attack the lion and win
grain trans­mutes to poi­son and
blades of grass sev­er sky­scrap­ers
when dogs start meow­ing
human­i­ty final­ly takes notice

too late

the last sound would remind us of
a mel­on hit with a sledge­ham­mer

if any­one were around to hear it.