Hades Arrow

i’ve final­ly got­ten just about every­thing i need in order to start build­ing a web­site for mea­gan. she man­aged to scan a bunch of her art­work with the hi-res scan­ners at ND and i’ve been busy down­load­ing it to my machine. the *.jpgs are so large that they threat­en to crash my brows­er and per­haps the very com­put­er itself.

the prospect of mak­ing a web­site for some­one else, is quite impos­ing. i real­ly don’t have the option of goof­ing around and hav­ing some­what slop­py code like i do on my own site. this baby has to purr, so that once i hand it over to Mea­gan, she can just do what she wants with­out any has­sle. i’m going to run it through Move­able­Type since i don’t know how to code some­thing into *.php or *.asp. Besides, i think squirt will have an eas­i­er time main­tain­ing and updat­ing it on her own if she runs it through that engine.