VDS, Mofo

Fin! Final­ly. I no longer work for VDS. Mon­day I start my new job as a man­u­script edi­tor. It should infi­nite­ly bet­ter, even though I’ll be work­ing in a cubi­cle. At least the peo­ple I’ll be work­ing with will have decent oral hygiene, and a mod­icum of com­mon sense. I don’t have to make copies of any­thing from here any longer. VDS is dead to me.

i stayed up for 23 hours yes­ter­day and now my eyes smart. i’ve also been invit­ed to go to Indi­anapo­lis with Liam either next week­end or at the end of Feb­ru­ary. We’d haul on down there to see Jes?s and the recent­ly affi­anced Bjob. If i go it will be a strange road­trip, to dri­ve to Indy, and not stop by at home or my aunt and uncle’s house which are both rel­a­tive­ly on the way.

in oth­er news, i need to get laid before i become com­plete­ly inert.

oth­er words that should prob­a­bly not be said on a fam­i­ly-read web­site in ref­er­ence to myself: mas­tur­bate, defe­cate, James Tate, com­men­su­rate, wood­en crate, com­mu­nist state.

i’ve got a two o’clock. peace.

One thought on “VDS, Mofo”

  1. Adam? Sex? Mas­tur­bate? Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!? He be human!

    Seri­ous­ly, good luck at work, and enjoy the Hoosier state my friend. Oh, and GO PONIES!

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