On Loan

These are my books, fliks and CDs cur­rent­ly on loan to peo­ple I thought would be inter­est­ed in them.

  1. The Shins — Chutes Too Nar­row
  2. The Decem­berists — Cast­aways and Cut-outs
  3. George P. Cos­matos — Tomb­stone
  4. Har­lan Elli­son, ed. — Dan­ger­ous Visions
  5. Kurt Von­negut — Wel­come to the Mon­key House
  6. Braudy & Cohen, eds. — Film The­o­ry and Crit­i­cism: Intro­duc­to­ry Read­ings
  7. Kevin Cross­ley-Hol­land — The Norse Myths
  8. David J. Skal — Screams of Rea­son
  9. An anthro­pol­o­gy book on myth and reli­gion that I can­not remem­ber the name of at the moment and thus can­not link to.

Some of these have been out for a few months. I have to remem­ber that I own them.

5 thoughts on “On Loan”

  1. I ran over both 6 & 8 with my car mul­ti­ple times and have been let­ting my cat sleep and defe­cate on them, but you will have them back short­ly. Swear to God.

  2. That reminds me, Iris would not stop bark­ing at me for like 2 hours last Sat­ur­day. She’s as nuts as always. Mean­while, your cats were not to be found.

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