St. Patrick’s Yesterday

Took the day off from work yes­ter­day and cel­e­brat­ed the hol­i­day with Liam and Mike, who were seniors when I was a fresh­man. I got my mop chopped at some weirdo wig salon [the hair looks fine thank­ful­ly] and then skedad­dled over to Liam’s apart­ment for a break­fast of eggs and Jame­son. I had to show Liam how to crack and egg and make them over-easy. He broke the yolks. After Jame­son and eggs we went to the Exchange and checked out the CDs and DVDs — that last­ed about fif­teen min­utes. We head­ed over to the RTA to take the train down­town. The ride costs $1.50 but the teller won’t pro­vide change. So real­ly, the ride cost $2.00. The plat­form and train itself was inun­dat­ed with drunk­en horny high school kids. Direct­ly in front of us were two cou­ples who were liplocked pret­ty much the whole time. It was pret­ty obvi­ous they were enjoy­ing being spec­ta­cles. High school was nev­er fun like that for me.

When the train final­ly stopped and every­one burst from the doors Liam, Mike, and I head­ed toward Flan­nery’s with the inten­tion of hav­ing a brew or two and going to watch the parade. Three hours lat­er, after being accost­ed by some folks we met at the Hal­loween par­ty and after a few drinks we saw the last two lame floats of the parade. Some­thing called Weed Man, and the Ohio State Buck­eyes semi. Whoop-dee-shit. We grabbed a cou­ple of dirty-water dogs from a street ven­dor [ketchup, mus­tard and stank sauer­kraut on mine] and went to Panini’s to see if Liam could get free Linkin Park tick­ets for being in the mil­i­tary. Panini’s was like any col­lege bar, row­dy with cheap beer. I did get a 4oz shot of orange Stoli for the price of a reg­u­lar shot though. While we were there a fight broke out. Liam did­n’t get his tick­ets, which, although I wish he had got­ten tick­ets — I still hate Linkin Park. Yes, that was a ter­ri­bly con­struct­ed sen­tence.

We met up with Craig, a life­long friend of Liam’s who was also from Long Island but is now liv­ing in Michi­gan near Mike. Try to fig­ure that one out. We had some more to drink and final­ly I reached drunk­en­ness. Then we piled into Craig’s car [he only had one] and went back to Liam’s apart­ment to wait for his wife Ann to get home and dri­ve us around for more drink­ing. Dur­ing this time I decid­ed to use a day of dis­pen­sa­tion and I had choco­late brown­ies and choco­late Girl Scout cook­ies. They weren’t very good. I hope this isn’t because I haven’t had choco­late in a very long time. I’m going to blame it on all the alco­hol I’d had. When Ann showed up I found out that she was preg­nant and after the con­grat­u­la­tions we went to Sul­li­van’s. By this time I was start­ing to get tired so I bailed from Sul­li­van’s and went home. Then I burned a CD, talked on the phone for a bit and went to sleep. I’ll post the three or four pic­tures I took when I get home lat­er today.

5 thoughts on “St. Patrick’s Yesterday”

  1. Please tell me you weren’t wear­ing a lep­rechaun hat or any oth­er such dec­o­ra­tive wear.

  2. I can’t believe the guy who just POSTED IT ON THE GODDAMNED INTERNET just said that. I already told Amy as soon as I read it, I dun­no if she told Stone or not.

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