Fill in the Blanks

I’m mak­ing a sort of Mad Lib thing and you, my dear read­er, have to sup­ply me with the miss­ing words. I’ll take what you give me and post them all tomor­row.

1. Thing
2. Time of day
3. Num­ber
4. Noun
5. Num­ber
6. Ani­mal
7. Musi­cal instru­ment
8. Direc­tion
9. Col­or
10. Noun
11. Plur­al thing
12. Infini­tive verb
13. Imag­i­nary verb end­ing in ‑ing
14. Adjec­tive
15. Noun
16. Place
17. Phrase
18. Adjec­tive
19. Verb in the past tense
20. Place
21. Col­or
22. Emo­tion
23. Dif­fer­ent emo­tion

5 thoughts on “Fill in the Blanks”

  1. hell i’ll con­tribute anoth­er four since no one else will. i don’t remem­ber what i wrote any­way…

    9. indi­go
    10. sta­pler
    11. mar­bles
    12. to yam­mer

  2. 13.)jigermeraning
    and the next 4 just to keep it going.….
    17.) go the dis­tance
    18.) hairy
    19.) smacked
    20.) Las Vegas

  3. Okay, I’ll do the first four.

    1. wheel­bar­row
    2. dawn
    3. twen­ty-six
    4. cof­fee

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