I, Robot Yarf

i’m not updat­ing much because this week is crazy busy for me. i saw a pre­view for I, Robot last night which pissed me off to no end because it is so far removed from what Isaac Asi­mov wrote that it is noth­ing more than a Matrix-like spin­off with Will Smith and a clas­sic title.

UPDATE: here is the account of the dream i had last night. its ver­ba­tim from an email.

well i was a guest/prisoner in an invent­ed dream friend’s father’s house. his father was willem dafoe and he was ani­mal­is­ti­cal­ly cru­el and maybe a bit cultish. his wife was evil too but i can’t recall which celebri­ty she was. so i was in the back yard and my vision was pret­ty heav­i­ly obscured by foliage. sud­den­ly i see s dis­mem­bered bob­cat head being dragged across the ground. its not real­ly grue­some despite fla­gel­la shaped viscera/medusa like hair splayed all around it. so i turn around and there is this python eat­ing the head and then a notice that there are maybe 4 oth­er snakes around me. all of them are vague­ly dan­ger­ous to humans snakes. willem dafoe is there say­ing some­thing appro­pri­ate­ly men­ac­ing in that ‘you are under my pow­er’ tone. his wife joins him and they make out for a cou­ple of sec­onds. then i decide i’ve got to escape so i pre­tend like i’m get­ting along with them while i plan to leave. when i sneak out to my car [sud­den­ly willem dafoe is MY father except i’m still the same per­son in the gar­den and all that] he appears and sor­ta knows what i’m doing. i think he is going to kill me. i say some­thing that appar­ent­ly dis­tracts him even though i’m the one who does­n’t know wtf is going on. so i want to get in my car but the dri­ve­way has my grand­pa’s fish­ing boat in it and a bunch of oth­er cars. so i have to go beat up the valet, and sud­den­ly i am the valet and i move a cou­ple of cars and get into mine and dri­ve into the boat. willem dafoe is going to get me soon. then i back out of the dri­ve­way and leave.

the dream was quite strange because one moment i would have the ‘i’m in dan­ger’ feel­ing and the next moment i would feel like every­thing was nor­mal.

3 thoughts on “I, Robot Yarf”

  1. yeah B?rd, i remem­ber read­ing a few of your dreams… i only remem­ber mine rarely, but they always seem to be like this. i’m too focused on actu­al­ly sleep­ing to spare the effort to attempt remem­ber­ing more. i do know that i can lucid dream.

  2. yeah, that is kind of Lynch-like! pret­ty weird, man. it’s a shame that rapideyemovement.org does­n’t exist any­more. it was a dream jour­nal site. i had a jour­nal there with 50 or 70 dreams or some­thing. there are oth­er such sites, but i dun­no… for some rea­son i liked rapideye­move­ment.

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