
I woke up today to this on my weath­er page:

But I’m not going to let that get me down. This week­end is the Cleve­land Music Fes­ti­val, and while GWAR is no longer head­lin­ing, I’ll still get the chance to see The Mis­fits and avoid Mush­room­head. Tonight I’m going to see one of my ex-cowork­ers from VDS [Vene­re­al Dis­ease Ser­vic­ing] rap at the Wish Night­club. Tomor­row evening I think I’m going to be at Peabody’s/Pirate’s Cove [yarr] for the whole evening. Sat­ur­day I’m going to see the Mis­fits, and if I have any ener­gy left I’ll see what is shak­ing on Sun­day.

I also had a dream last evening that I was involved in a play that was being per­formed at my old junior high school. I found out open­ing night that my part was a speak­ing part. I also had no cos­tume and was run­ning around in box­ers try­ing to find a pair of pants to wear. To help me out, the set folks paint­ed one of my lines on a hot dog shaped pil­low. The line was: ‘Do you have mon­ey for lunch? Her head is acook.’ I have dreams involv­ing stages from my child­hood often. Many times they have noth­ing to do with per­for­mances but stages have so many inter­est­ing places to move [trap­doors, cat­walks, guy wires, cur­tains, small lunar rovers, et cetera] that my sub­con­scious seems to like to use them in order to con­vey many mean­ings quick­ly and simul­ta­ne­ous­ly. Ran­dom but cool.

3 thoughts on “Forecast”

  1. also, that aver­ages out to a 41% chance of rain on any giv­en day. I’m still a bit con­fused as to what exact­ly they mean with the %. To me it seems a bit more binary.…either it rain or it won’t.…it can’t like 60% rain.…wouldn’t it be bet­ter just to tell folks: “hey it will prob­a­bly rain today, or it’s 50/50 on it rain­ing today, or it prob­a­bly won’t rain today, or if it rains today I’ll shoot myself”? I mean real­ly isn’t that what the % means? Ok, I’ll stop ram­bling.

  2. i’ve been wait­ing for that com­ment all day jmay. its a shame that ClearChan­nel paid them more to be some­where else.

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