Well I don’t want Fop, godammit! I’m a Dapper Dan man!

Rapid catch up. Fri­day I ate a mush­room for­est, played pool with pool sharks and oth­er deviants [includ­ing a goatherder and coxswain] and won at pok­er. Sat­ur­day and Sun­day noth­ing hap­pened. Yes­ter­day my redesign went live and now has groovy style sheet switch­ing on the right side. Whichev­er style you choose should remain that way if you accept cook­ies. The acces­si­bil­i­ty and usabil­i­ty need improved but I’m just glad my entries did­n’t wig out like before. I don’t know if any of those xml feeds work because I’ve nev­er used any­thing like that before. They are there at least. This site at least fakes com­pli­ance. I can work on pret­ti­fy­ing it a bit more. Which style do you like best?

This sen­tence starts a new para­graph. I went to a class on Win­ning Ora­to­ry yes­ter­day that was actu­al­ly rather inter­est­ing. It did­n’t teach me much that I did­n’t already know, but since I cared more about it this time, I assim­i­lat­ed it a bit bet­ter. I had a long and hilar­i­ous con­ver­sa­tion over AIM last night regard­ing the minis­eries 10.5. Since I don’t have a TV that gets recep­tion of any kind, I hear all of my idiot box tid­bits through friends. 10.5 sounds like it is so bad that it brings the TV minis­eries to a new low. I was tempt­ed to do an analy­sis of it, much like I did for The Da Vin­ci code, yet this time exam­in­ing it from an aca­d­e­m­ic posi­tion, but I’m too lazy to do that today.

Which is why you get a ran­dom assort­ment of sen­tences that have no real coher­ence. You can also check out some movie reviews over at Lau­ren’s place.

Para­graph breaks are hard to see.

14 thoughts on “Well I don’t want Fop, godammit! I’m a Dapper Dan man!”

  1. I like the red ver­sion best from both a design and a read­abil­i­ty stand­point. I do also see your para­graphs as being close togeth­er with­out a break between them. And on the grey ver­sion, in the com­ments, I see grey on grey text… in oth­er words, i have to high­light or change styles to read them.

  2. Actu­al­ly — that com­ment thing seems to be hap­pen­ing regard­less of page style

  3. fig­ures. haha. thanks you two for putting up with my crap­py web­shiz­zle.

    i’ll check out the RSS and Atom tomor­row after work since that will take a bit to learn.

    Genevieve what brows­er are you using? Safari? Opera? Netscape? Camino?

    Also, I’ve decid­ed to redesign the non red tem­plates to make them eas­i­er to read. I just don’t know what the hell is wrong with the para­graph breaks. I’ll check out the Mov­able Type forums in the hope that recourse is avail­able there.

  4. IE 5.2 for Mac OSX. When I upgrade to Pan­ther (prob­a­bly in the next cou­ple of weeks) I will be using Safari, but as for now I have Jaguar and I can’t upgrade Safari so it’s use­less.

  5. hey B?rd, thanks! i’m chang­ing stuff right now, so the lead­ing i will take care of.

    and i just hap­pen to already use fire­fox with the smoke theme. hehe. how is that for appro­pri­ate.

    the white might dis­ap­pear, but in any case, i’m chang­ing the HATED grey ver­sion to blue and mak­ing a green one as well.

  6. The red ver­sion is eas­i­ly the most read­able in Netscape 7.1; nice redesign.

  7. i guess i like the white style the best. the red one is very loud/harsh, but clear­ly i’m in the minor­i­ty. one thing is cer­tain: you need to adjust your lead­ing. it’s too tight.

  8. oh, i’m check­ing it on a mac right now, in safari. btw Har­vey, if you like safari, but you’re on a pc, you should run mozil­la fire­fox on your pc with the smoke theme (http://themes.mozdev.org/themes/smoke.html). i love it, espe­cial­ly after you remove the book­mark bar and oth­er stuff. you can place the lit­tle fwd and back but­tons etc on the menu line (file, edit, etc) , max­i­miz­ing real estate. i think there’s also a theme that is exact­ly like safari, but i like the smoke theme. and fire­fox rocks.

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