Grab Bag

brown_paper_bag.jpg Just ran­dom stuff today.

• The so-called ‘high class’ gro­cery store in the area is called Heinen’s. I can walk to one just down the street, and I usu­al­ly only do when I have to buy just a loaf of bread or some milk. They have the same brands as all the oth­er stores, but they charge more. The employ­ees are snob­by and I always get the feel­ing that I’m going to get thrown out. The thing is, the store is dirt­i­er and more dis­or­ga­nized than any Tops or Giant Eagle I’ve patron­ized. Heinen’s park­ing lots are mutant weird too.

• A pla­toon of mayflies decid­ed to mate and die on my car dur­ing the night. Next year I imag­ine the eggs will hatch and they will mate and die again on my car. Thou­sands of mayflies gen­er­a­tions from now there will be a new mayfly species only indige­nous to my car. Ephemeroptera oldsmo­bilus.

• I have 6 Gmail invi­ta­tions to give away. Leave a com­ment and your email address if you’d like one. As of now I’m only giv­ing them to peo­ple I know.

• Every day for the first hour of work I have to over­hear the same guy bitch about the same incom­pe­ten­cies regard­ing the same peo­ple. The rest of the day he wan­ders around ‘trou­bleshoot­ing.’ I have yet to see him do a lick of work.

• I redis­cov­ered a CD of stu­pid videos last evening. Sheep jump­ing into walls, a kid snap­ping his femur like so much kin­dling while skate­board­ing, a cat jump­ing into a wall, a cat attack­ing a very small child, and two won­der­ful EDS com­mer­cials from Super Bowls past. Idio­cy is my friend

• My point­er fin­ger hurts from learn­ing ham­mer-ons.

7 thoughts on “Grab Bag”

  1. Oh…Heinens…
    Notice they did not make my top places to shop list.
    Yea, unneed­ed­ly snob­by.
    Plus, I’ve seen than more than one able-bod­ied lazy ass per­son get them to put the gro­ceries. It’s like, get off your ass and pick up your own gro­ceries.
    I can’t believe they even offer that ser­vice to any­one but old ladies and the hand­i­capped.

  2. One time when Patrick and I went there, he was walk­ing into the store and some old woman honked at him to put her gro­ceries in her car like — oh — he’s just a com­mon­er — he must be here to serve me.

  3. yes I’ll take a gmail account.…
    is it any­thing like Mar­tins or is it snob­bier?

  4. Tops is like Mar­tins, pret­ty straight­for­ward, Heinen’s has mood light­ing, car­pet, over­priced wine and over­priced cheese.

  5. Gmail? kickin’!
    Remem­ber that time we almost got sent to the slam­mer in NJ out­side the hotel load­ing the booze through the win­dow? 😉 hehe­he
    at any rate, gmail or not, call me, we should catch up.

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