Best Things

giftwrap.jpgI thought I had writ­ten a list of things I real­ly like awhile ago but I can­not find it. So I will do it again. I must be get­ting old.

• Hand­writ­ten, addressed, stamped and unmailed let­ters. Espe­cial­ly piles of ’em. There is some­thing quite sat­is­fy­ing about that sight. [I know I’ve writ­ten about this. Why can­not I find it?]

• Books. I men­tioned to my bud­dies yes­ter­day that I think a book is the per­fect inven­tion. There is noth­ing about the design, imple­men­ta­tion, use or use-val­ue of a book that in any way peeves me.

• Blan­kets. I would rather wear shorts and a t‑shirt in win­ter and wrap up in a blan­ket than wear pants and a sweater.

• Tough Back­rubs. This is the best way to fall asleep in my opin­ion. A lot of elbow grease had bet­ter be used at first, and by the time it is over I should be fast asleep and drool­ing all over. Then toss a blan­ket over me and I’m set. Equal­ly good are mas­sage par­ties. When this hap­pens every­one is always mas­sag­ing a foot or a leg or a back or an arm or a neck of some­one else. The peo­ple get­ting arm mas­sages are tak­ing a break. I only did this once or twice in col­lege but it was quite refresh­ing. It is best done drunk­ish.

• Berries. In order of impor­tance: Black­ber­ries, Blue­ber­ries, Rasp­ber­ries, Lin­gonber­ries, Straw­ber­ries. I like ’em all.

• Sleep.

• A Full Stom­ach. Not full to burst­ing full, but food coma full. Where you just want to lean back, put your hands on a dis­tend­ed gut and con­tem­plate every­thing being digest­ed. Also going along with this is the feel of a real­ly cold glass of what­ev­er flow­ing down the gul­let and then spread­ing across the chest.

• Empyt­ing out my tack­le box, clean­ing it and putting every­thing back in it.

• Fish­ing.

• Com­plete­ly friv­o­lous con­ver­sa­tions about mean­ing­less things that will nev­er hap­pen. Such as: Who would win in a fight and why: Gold­en Bear or Tony the Tiger?

What are a few of your favorite things?

12 thoughts on “Best Things”

  1. whiskers on kit­tens, Bright cop­per ket­tles, and warm woolen mit­tens, Brown paper pack­ages, Tied up with strings

  2. Girls in white dresses,With blue satin sashes,Snow flakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes,Silver white winters,That melt into springs

  3. Corsets, whips, delir­i­um.
    Tantrums, sun­beams, orange juice.
    Har­vest moons, sex-dri­ves, elab­o­rate lies and rus­es.
    Five o’clock shad­ows, kit­tens, Tom Waits.
    The word ukelele, walk­ing on the beach at night, Mich­fest.
    A cig­a­rette in the autumn, my dog’s wob­bly chin, Adam Q. Har­vey.
    Campy hor­ror movies, Kool-aid, fuzz stuck in your bel­ly but­ton.
    Baigan Bartha, glass eyes, flirt­ing.

  4. 1. Libraries- the whole con­cept. Free books, com­mu­ni­ty infor­ma­tion, get­ting movies with­out pay­ing to rent them. That, and my major fan­ta­sy of sex while hid­ding amongst the shelves.

    2. Soy hot choco­late with a dou­ble shot of rasp­ber­ry syrup.

    3. Hair­cuts — regard­less of the end result, I like the feel­ing of enter­ing some­place, and then exit­ing look­ing com­plete­ly dif­fer­ent.

    4. The sounds of the trains seep­ing through my bed­room win­dow every night (and even loud­er in the win­ter).

    5. Well tai­lored cloth­ing

    6. Talk­ing to you.

  5. the 11th floor of the Hes­burgh Library was con­sid­ered one of the safest places on cam­pus to get it on. even more than in dorms. Most of it was ye olde Russ­ian lit­er­a­ture, IN RUSSIAN. so no one was ever in that sec­tion.

  6. I’ve also heard rumor of blow jobs in the bible isle.…I believe you have also heard of this rumor adam.

  7. hehe, yes i sure did. i can’t remem­ber where though… was it The Gip­per? No… it was some­one i knew… refresh my mem­o­ry jmay.

  8. Sleep, food, good com­pa­ny, bas­ket­ball; most impor­tant­ly, the feel­ing you have after a job well done.

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