25th Birthday

I turned 24 a few days ago and it does­n’t seem much dif­fer­ent than 23. Although my back is a bit stiff. I had a pret­ty low-key birth­day, just like I want­ed. As of now the gifts I have received include: 1 9oz bar of Mal­ley’s Dark Choco­late, 1 stan­dard wall clock, cool­ly altered into a Don Hertzfeldt wall clock and the orig­i­nal Metroid for my Nin­ten­do.

Sat­ur­day, my actu­al birth­day was spent briefly at the West Side Mar­ket, where I picked up some yams and mutant huge black­ber­ries [which aren’t near­ly as good as wild ones] and mush­rooms. Then I nabbed a cou­ple of Cor­nish game hens for Thanks­giv­ing din­ner when my mom comes up lat­er this week. Adel­phia came out and “hooked up my cable box” except that I still don’t have inter­net access. So I called and resched­uled them to come in tomor­row. I am frus­trat­ed with their crap­pi­ness. We had band prac­tice and I got to hear the rough­cut of the new song and I also had a lima bean and onion soup which [since I hate both lima beans and onions] was sur­pris­ing­ly tasty. Then I went over to anoth­er friend’s house for pok­er night where much piz­za was eat­en and I end­ed up tak­ing home the huge pot of $4.

Sun­day I did some pre­lim­i­nary Christ­mas shop­ping, did­n’t end up buy­ing any­thing, but I got some ideas. I also ate at La Bode­ga which is about a block away from my place. It was tasty.

Now, on to dreams. I had some crazy ones last night. The less weird one first.

I picked up the red­haired girl from work in at Mace’s gro­cery store [the shit­ti­est gro­cery store ever to grace Con­nersville, and the one I got caught steal­ing from when I was five or six but that is anoth­er sto­ry] and drove her to some gen­er­al pur­pose com­mu­ni­ty build­ing where I had to con­vince her to walk down some steps. Then a friend of mine who plays rug­by comes out of a door next to me and is pissed because I did­n’t come to see her recital. I explained to her that when she had told me she was going to a recital, I did­n’t know that she was going to be per­form­ing. I asked her what she had done and it turns out she is a part of a yodel­ing group called the Yodel­ing Yodel­ers or the Yodel­ing Yoders.

The sec­ond dream is a rarely reoc­cur­ring one that I prob­a­bly only have two or three times a year. It is sort of like Met­al Gear Sol­id, except first per­son. I’m cap­tured in this remote under­ground base in the Arc­tic and my evil twin has just switched my mind from my real body to the body of his ex-lover. So my real body is strapped to a table and he is doing all of these tor­tur­ous things to it but I don’t care because I can’t feel it, although I am sort of wor­ried that my body isn’t going to work too well once I get it back. I explain this to the evil twin, but I have a hard time con­trol­ling my new body because my mind isn’t used to it. My pro­nun­ci­a­tion sounds like a men­tal­ly retard­ed per­son and my sense of bal­ance is way off since the new body is much small­er than my old one. My stom­ach area on my real body is made from some sort of sap­phire-like mate­r­i­al and my evil twin is now com­plete­ly made of the same sub­stance. I mouth off and piss him off and he tries to kill me. I’m in a cor­ner by a door and he keeps try­ing to nin­ja kick me in the upper body. He keeps miss­ing because I’m about a foot small­er than him in my new body. Every time he miss­es I tell him that he missed and he just gets more pissed. Sud­den­ly I yank open the door and shove him out. His arm is still stick­ing through and try­ing to get me so I slam the door on it, and part of the blue crys­tal stuff breaks off. He with­draws his arm and I slam the door shut. I pull a vend­ing machine [where the hell did it come from?] in front of the door and tie it to the door. My intent is to get my mind back into my orig­i­nal body. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, now the door opens from the oth­er side and in the oth­er direc­tion so Evil Twin can just push it in eas­i­ly. I rush out past him and sprint down the hall when I get tran­quil­ized by Evil Twin’s new lover. That’s all I’ve got.

One thought on “25th Birthday”

  1. Belat­ed Hap­py Birth­day Adam!
    My B‑day is on Thurs­day — but I have to work Fri­day so not cel­e­brat­ing to much…

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