
Today I am wear­ing my grand­fa­ther’s cuf­flinks. I need a pock­et­watch, zip­po, mon­ey clip and an old fash­ioned shav­ing razor and kit and then my col­lec­tion of male­pher­na­lia will be com­plete. Cuf­flinks are pret­ty hard to put on by your­self. We’ve got this potluck lunch thing going on today at work, I vol­un­teered to bring in some dessert and I decid­ed to make brown­ies. I made one batch from scratch Sun­day evening.

Brown­ies take just as long to make from scratch as they do from a box. The first batch I made with semi-sweet morsels. It took sig­nif­i­cant­ly longer to cook them than the recipe said, I end­ed up pulling them out ear­li­er any­way, because I like slight­ly under­cooked brown­ies. I made the sec­ond batch after a date last night from dark choco­late morsels. Once again it took a lot longer to bake than I had expect­ed. They look tasti­er, but per­haps that is pure­ly psy­cho­log­i­cal since I like dark choco­late so much.

Hope­ful­ly when I leave work today I will have inter­net access at my home. If this blessed event does in fact occur, the site will like­ly dis­ap­pear some­time this week­end and reap­pear after Thanks­giv­ing. I like this design, so I’ll prob­a­bly just tweak it a bit, per­haps bring­ing back the side­blog since I’ve got­ten two com­plaints since it dis­ap­peared. I’ll like­ly upgrade to Mov­able­Type 3.x which means I’ll only be allowed one blog instead of the two I have cur­rent­ly. I think I can workaround this using the cat­e­go­ry attribute, but I’m sure all of you find that very excit­ing.

I had a slow leak in one of my tires which I dis­cov­ered Sun­day and got fixed yesterday,a 2 ½” nail was stuck in the thing. I hon­est­ly don’t know why I have such poor luck with tires. After work today I am going to attempt to get my emis­sions checked and new plates per­haps. I’m meet­ing some cowork­ers lat­er after work at Edis­on’s for piz­za and brews. If all goes well I might decide to let those cowork­ers be my friends.

I think I have a wis­dom tooth com­ing in. This large ves­ti­gial molar will replace one of my baby-molars which was removed with no per­ma­nent replace­ment. It has been a while since I’ve been teething. It is not much fun.

There is this car­toon on WVIZ in the morn­ing that I’ve been watch­ing lit­tle snip­pets of as I get ready for work. It is called Maya & Miguel and it dri­ves me nuts with its polit­i­cal­ly cor­rect­ness. First of all, it is bilin­gual, Spanish/English and it sort of teach­es you bits of Span­ish as it goes along. Every­one is always friend­ly and whole­some life lessons are always learned. The kids at school are per­fect­ly diverse. There is an Asian girl, a black boy, a white boy who is miss­ing an arm, on and on. Crazy method­i­cal.

I think some­times I only write stuff so I can use crazy big words or made up words.