5 thoughts on “Wishlist”

  1. So I can’t believe you have ‘Mas­ter and Com­man­der’ on there. I could­n’t even sit through the whole thing. That was the most slow bor­ing movie I have ever seen. But you def­i­nite­ly redeemed your­self with ‘Last of the Mohi­cans’ which is my absolute favorite movie of all time and the 1973 ver­sion of Robin Hood,another top ten movie for me. When I was little,I used to pre­tend I was Maid Mar­i­an. Both movies are excel­lent choic­es. You can tell a lot about some­one by what they want for Christ­mas. I am per­son­al­ly hop­ing for one of those cof­fee mak­ers that grinds the cof­fee for you. That sounds like a lit­tle slice of heav­en to me.

  2. don’t get me wrong, I love a good ships and seas movie just like any­one else. But the above poster is right, Mas­ter and Com­man­der is ter­ri­bly bor­ing. Rent it if you must, but don’t waste hard earned mon­ey pur­chas­ing it.

    I want a pen­ny far­thing for (this, and every) Christ­mas.

  3. I hap­pened to enjoy the movie very much. The cin­e­matog­ra­phy is amaz­ing and the score equal­ly so. I’d rather have any of the oth­er movies on the list though, I’m try­ing to replace my VHS with DVD.

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