Blizzard 2004

Dri­ving home on Wednes­day was the worst idea ever. It took me twen­ty-two hours to dri­ve from Cleve­land to Con­nersville. I was doing okay until I got just past Day­ton. Then I was stopped in my tracks on the Inter­state for 10 hours.

The con­di­tions were poor and dan­ger­ous, but at no time was I in any dan­ger. Every­one seemed to be dri­ving safe­ly and the roads were quite busy with folk head­ing home. I think my top speed the entire trip was around 45 miles per hour. My car was sealed in ice at one point and I helped a few peo­ple dig out of a rest area where a dum­b­ass semi dri­ver had attempt­ed to get through a ‘cars only’ area and, of course, got­ten stuck.

I kept plen­ty warm in the 10 hours I was in the car. I had plen­ty of gas and turned on the car when­ev­er I got chilly. There were thou­sands of peo­ple in the same boat as I was since Inter­state 70 was closed for a cou­ple of hun­dred miles. No one could move. Final­ly, around 11 yes­ter­day, the semi in front of me moved for­ward a tiny bit and I man­aged to get home 4 hours lat­er. Con­nersville got around 23″ of snow.

Mom is mak­ing blue­ber­ry muffins right now and my feet are warm.

3 thoughts on “Blizzard 2004”

  1. 10 hours stuck on the road? Blah! That is noth­ing! Try get­ting stuck in the build­ing you work in for 3 days. Not brush­ing your teeth or wash­ing your­self. Sleep­ing on uncom­fort­able cots and itchy wool blankets,and eat­ing army food. Den­ver’s Bliz­zard of 2003 has got you beat. Mer­ry Christ­mas!

  2. Wow! What time did you leave town on Wednes­day? We knew about the storm com­ing (but not how bad it would be) and left a lit­tle before 8am on Wednes­day. My fam­i­ly also lives 600 miles south of Cleve­land, so that helps. In any case, we saw snowflakes in Akron and driz­zle and fog in south­ern Ohio and high winds in the moun­tains of Vir­ginia, but no bliz­zards. Glad you did­n’t freeze to death in a snow­drift! Oh yah — and Mer­ry Christ­mas.

  3. Oh come on, 26 inch­es of snow in 26 hours is fun! I haven’t left the farm since I slid my truck down the lane Fri­day. Hor­ri­ble road con­di­tions.

    I’ll be email­ing you some­thing in the next day or so about New Year’s, if you’re still inter­est­ed in alco­hol and debauch­ery. Lat­er!

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