Christmas Loot 2004

As usu­al I raked it in.

Three Col­ors Tril­o­gy on DVD
Samu­rai Jack Movie and Samu­rai Jack first sea­son on DVD
Adore Sheet Music
David Bowie Sheet Music
Eats, Shoots and Leaves
The Most Bril­liant Thoughts of All Time
New Spring
The Hob­bit Leatherette Edi­tion [illus­trat­ed by the author!]
• The Great­est Ever Veg­e­tar­i­an Cook­book. Now I can make stuff for my veg­gie friends!
2005 Tolkien Cal­en­dar
The Changeling Sea
Alpha­bet of Thorn
In the Forests of Serre
• Barnes and Noble Gift Card
• Gas Gift Card
• Socks and Socks!
• Box­ers and Box­ers!
• Poor Things by Alis­dair Grey
• Wine Glass­es and a Rocky Hor­ror book
• Auto­bi­og­ra­phy of Red
• a ham­per
• a Guin­ness poster
• a crock pot and a bas­ket of tasty treats
• any­thing I’ve for­got­ten

Every year I am told that I am not get­ting much for Christ­mas and that I will be dis­ap­point­ed. Every year I say that every year I am told that I am not get­ting much for Christ­mas and that I will be dis­ap­point­ed. Every year I am told that No, real­ly; this year won’t be very impres­sive. And every year I get spoiled.

• the best gift was an idea by my grand­moth­er that was imple­ment­ed by my aunt and moth­er. I got a scrap­book that charts my grand­ma’s fam­i­ly his­to­ry, it is amaz­ing.

• and the award for the most non­sen­si­cal gift goes to… mom! She got me He’s Just Not That Into You: The No-excus­es Truth to Under­stand­ing Guys, a sex­u­al pol­i­tics book based on a Sex and the City episode that is writ­ten for women. It even has a part in the back for a woman to write down “[Her] Super-help­ful Stan­dards that [She] Will Nev­er Ever For­get or For­sake No Mat­ter How Hot [She] Thinks He is.” Appar­ent­ly her rea­son­ing behind get­ting me this book is that I can under­stand how I behave and how girls read things. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, I don’t care to learn about the weary­ing ways that Cos­mo-read­ing, quiz-tak­ing, pill-gob­bling girls over­an­a­lyze what I mean when I say I need to go get gui­tar strings. Speak­ing of which, I think I’m going to go get some gui­tar strings.