10 Things I’ve Done That Most People Haven’t

This sort of feels like a Live­jour­nal viral quiz thing, but I don’t have much else to blog about, so this will do. Ten Things That I Have Done That Most Oth­er Peo­ple Have Not Done.

1. Been on a NCAA Cham­pi­onship team.
2. Dis­lo­cat­ed my kneecap twice.
3. Dat­ed folks I met on the inter­nets.
4. Dri­ven on every mile of I‑70 AND I‑80 from the East Coast to Col­orado.
5. Read The Stand in one day.
6. Made craw­dads fight each oth­er.
7. Caught darts in mid­flight.
8. Played Taps at my grand­fa­ther’s funer­al.
9. Been a Polar Bear.
10. Shot a man in Reno, just to watch him die.

5 thoughts on “10 Things I’ve Done That Most People Haven’t”

  1. I can only best you in 1 depart­ment. I’ve been on every mile of I‑80 and every mile of I — 70 west of Pen­syl­va­nia. Craw­dads fight­ing can be a lot of fun, espe­cial­ly if you “train” 3 or 4 to take on a friend’s trained craw­dads. And for the record it took me 3 days of read­ing to fin­ish the unabridged ver­sion The Stand I am amazed by your pow­ers of read­ing. I did read The Lord of the Rings in 48 hours once.

  2. Phil — more info than we need­ed. I’m curi­ous what NCAA team though. And just as an aside…I’ve done four of the above. 😉

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