2005 Wedding Bells

I’m going to three wed­dings in two months. All my old bud­dies from high school are get­ting hitched. It is both strange and dis­con­cert­ing to know that the same peo­ple I used to go TPing with, the same peo­ple I used to get in mud fights and bot­tle rock­et fights with are now being turned into hon­est men by some pret­ty pret­ty women.

Jere­my got mar­ried this past Sat­ur­day in Sel­ma, IN. His wife, Alan­na was quite pret­ty and while none of us were at the wed­ding, the recep­tion was an excel­lent chance to see get all of us lugs togeth­er. We’d not seen all of each oth­er since Bo’s wed­ding almost two years before. We had this two-part bet; Next Man Down, and Last Man Stand­ing. I won the Next Man Down part, split­ting it with Phil, because we both picked Jere­my to be the next man hus­band­ed. So each per­son had to give us ten bucks. I did­n’t real­ly col­lect mine, but some­one gave me a ten any­way.

Now oth­er peo­ple are ask­ing me when I’m get­ting hitched. Thank­ful­ly I can at least say I’m going on dates from time to time. At least they can feel pleas­ant­ly sur­prised to some extent. Next week­end I’ve got to dri­ve to Eff­in­g­ham, IL for my bud­dy Bri­an’s wed­ding. 7.5 hour dri­ve!

5 thoughts on “2005 Wedding Bells”

  1. I’ve only been to one wed­ding of a friend, albeit one of my best friends. It is a relief that the major­i­ty of my friends are not mar­ried; in fact, most of them are sin­gle. some of them hard­ly date. hmm­mm.

    The old­er women I work with gush that i am so young and many say don’t get mar­ried, based on their own tra­vails.

    So I don’t feel much pres­sure. The extend­ed fam­i­ly has­n’t start­ed to real­ly both­er me; they prob­a­bly think I’m a les­bian.

  2. my par­ents are still togeth­er, after 30 years, but all of their friends except one cou­ple has got­ten divorced. their friend­ships have sort of dis­solved because they weren’t two cou­ples any more.

    many of the cou­ples who are mar­ry­ing now will end up divorced and then back in the sin­gle, dat­ing pool but will be old­er and feel more des­per­ate, per­haps. and they may feel alien­at­ed by their cou­ple friends.

    i guess there is no ide­al sit­u­a­tion.
    i won­der what the sta­tis­tics are on peo­ple who mar­ry lat­er in life–is there less chance that they divorce?

  3. Lisa, as one who got mar­ried in his mid-40’s to a woman in her late 30’s, hav­ing bought a house and now plan­ning on hav­ing kids (no more than 2.5!), I can say this: I looked at the issue of lat­er mar­riages, and yes, those who get mar­ried lat­er are less prone to divorce than those who get mar­ried in their 20’s. Not sure who put that one out, but there it is: take it for what it is worth. I know the pres­sure you feel, but I caved when *I* was damned good and ready, and not before; if my fam­i­ly did­n’t like it, well, it was their tough bananas… 😉

  4. I have real­ly mixed feel­ings about the sud­den onslaught of wed­dings amongst my friends. On the one hand, it’s a real­ly excit­ing time in life with peo­ple get­ting mar­ried and buy­ing homes and hav­ing babies…but, on the oth­er hand, it makes feel pres­sure to get on with this whole process of adult­hood and com­mit to some of those deeds, myself. And then there’s the guilt of not want­i­ng to and not feel­ing that I have to…and of feel­ing like a fail­ure because I don’t.

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