Auburn Block Club Meeting — April 2005

The Auburn Block Club is a whole dif­fer­ent beast than the Pro­fes­sor-Thur­man-Val­ley View club. I guess my ini­tial con­fu­sion as to which I belonged to was well-found­ed; My build­ing sits right on the divid­ing line.

Impor­tant things first. The Auburn Block Club has piz­za and cof­fee and some­one brought in rosettes. The block club also uses par­lia­men­tary pro­ce­dure and has min­utes from old meet­ings and agen­das for new meet­ings and lots of lit­tle old ladies who are hard of hear­ing.

A lot of the same infor­ma­tion from the PTVV block club was dis­cussed at this one, peti­tions were signed to keep Tremont School and ele­men­tary school, Ohio Cit­i­zen Action pre­sent­ed on the crum­my air qual­i­ty because of the ISG mill. Appar­ent­ly half of Cleve­land Schools and almost 400,000 peo­ple live with­ing a 5 mile radius of the mill. We got track­ing charts and stuff to keep track of flares and nasty smells and stuff. An old­er gen­tle­man there want­ed to know why noth­ing had been done yet besides the infor­mati­no gath­er­ing. I don’t think he real­ized that the cam­paign is just start­ing with this group instead of going through all the red tape of the Ohio EPA.

There was even a 50/50 raf­fle to help pay for stuff. They planned the street cleanup [focus­ing on Lin­coln Park] for June 4th and I stuck around to help be a part of that com­mit­tee. This is sort of fun.

One thing I did real­ize though was that there needs to be a good resource for block clubs to com­mu­ni­cate and plan with each oth­er. So my Tremont blog sounds like a bet­ter and bet­ter idea. I need to do three cod­ing things to it before it will be ready to launch. I need to fig­ure out how to make links in com­ments redi­rect, how to make indi­vid­ual archive com­ments set a sitewide com­ment cook­ie, and how to make a ran­dom mast­head appear on each site load. I have no idea how to do any of those things. I have reg­is­tered my domain and pur­chased host­ing though.

2 thoughts on “Auburn Block Club Meeting — April 2005”

  1. To answer…

    “I need to fig­ure out how to make links in com­ments redi­rect, how to make indi­vid­ual archive com­ments set a sitewide com­ment cook­ie, and how to make a ran­dom mast­head appear on each site load.”

    Open up your .pxml file and recode the first like with three angle brack­ets and ? Switch the pla­ton-link to val­ue ‘Y=0’ and then change the val­ue of the first .exr posi­tion to 6 instead of 4. This will open a new win­dow. Click ‘OK’ and let the start-up macro run. After that has run, go back to your .url file and update the logon script to read ‘x=8767645a’. Doing this will close all oth­er por­tals and open the one you need for the next step. Click ‘OK’. Once you click ‘OK’ go to the url for the web­site. If you see a red X in a small box, your images aren’t load­ing. Go back to your .pxml file and alter the con­gru­en­cy manip­u­la­tor to read 6.5. If it is already set at 6.5, close that file and reopen it in Notepad. Change name of the own­ing heirar­chy to xpart instead of ypart. You need an xpart for the sys­tem to process the XY downs. After doing this, reboot and rel­og on to your host address. The site should be set up how you want it. It’s not hard as you can see.

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