
Adam is now doing it again. Yes, it. If you’ve known me for awhile then you still might not know what it is since I’m being delib­er­ate­ly vague, but as soon as I describe what it is you’ll prob­a­bly get real­ly bored.

It is time to rein­vent myself! Oh, that it. I’m not talk­ing any crazy stuff like when I went all crazyshirt­ed in high school or all ‘put­er­rif­ic in col­lege. I’ve just pos­sess way too much friv­o­lous stuff. And I’m get­ting rid of shit­loads of it. I’ve got two big bags of clothes that I’m tak­ing to St. Vin­cent dePaul, three big bags of books and videos that I’m going to try to sell off to Half-Price books and then donate the rest some­place and a bunch of oth­er stuff that I’m going to sell in a yard sale.

Why? I have sim­ple needs. I wear the same clothes all the time, my read­ing is becom­ing more tac­ti­cal and less cen­tered on authors who write the same book in dif­fer­ent guise, and my apart­ment can’t hold all this crap. I’ve giv­en my game­boy to a bud­dy, my old com­put­er is going to anoth­er bud­dy this week, I’m going to try to con­vince my moth­er to make me a third t‑shirt quilt using all of my con­cert T‑shirts [I’ve got one with a bunch of high school shirts and I think she’s mak­ing anoth­er with a bunch of col­lege ones.] If the object has no util­i­ty or no col­lec­tion or sen­ti­men­tal val­ue, I’m get­ting rid of it.

*throws out baby with bath­wa­ter*

8 thoughts on “Clutterbug”

  1. you don’t want to wait and have a yard sale or some­thing? I haven’t heard any­thing about the Tremont yard sale yet this year, but regard­less, Genevieve and I were going to have one over the sum­mer. Get rid of *alot* of shit we don’t want to move to NYC with.

  2. and thanks again for the gift of the GB and acces­sories! I espe­cial­ly enjoyed the well-worn “Lion King” and “Kir­by’s Adven­ture in Dream­land” carts!

  3. I have a friend that at one point sold every­thing he had or gave it away. He livd out of his van and only used a knap­sack to hold all his belong­ings. He has told me more than once that it was the best time of his life. Not that is what you’re doing…but get­ting rid of stuff that is clut­ter or that you don’t need is cleans­ing I think.

  4. i recent­ly watched a video that a very tal­ent­ed visu­al artist had made for a project in grad school. it was called dema­te­ri­al­iza­tion (i think that was the title). his project had to do with him­self as artist in community/society, and break­ing the com­fort­able zone set up by said community/society. in the project, he set up two or three cam­eras in his lake­wood home and filmed the dema­te­ri­alza­tion of his liv­ing room.

    the way it worked: he put an add in the clas­si­fieds, sim­i­lar to a garage sale add, but the dif­fer­ence was that he was giv­ing his and his wife’s things away. and not just old clothes. but fur­ni­ture, a couch, a kitchen table, a dvd play­er, a tv. expen­sive things, some being quite new. he and his wife both felt the desire to clear out all ‘clut­ter’ or the unnec­es­sary items that they did not ‘need’ to sur­vive. so the day of the event, a good 100 peo­ple-strangers- line up on the side­walk in front of their house, chan­nel 5 news includ­ed. and in less than fif­teen min­utes, those 100 or so peo­ple, enter their liv­ing room (their per­son­al space)and strip it down to the bare wood floor.

    a good part of the video is spent in black, where you only hear the removal of items. it ends with a span of the room, as this empty/violated but fresh begin­ning of space.

    clear­ing clut­ter is a rebirth harv…i look for­ward to it for you! 🙂

  5. Adam,
    Mate­ri­al­ism purg­ing is good for the soul and it gives you space to let the new chi flow. I am not real­ly into Feng Shui but I noticed that every­time I clear my clos­ets, emp­ty my book­shelves and get rid of excess bagage my life takes off in new direc­tion.

  6. i did that once. the prob­lem was, every­thing had sen­ti­men­tal val­ue for me.

    i need a nos­tal­gia extrac­tion, stat.

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