More Morsels

Went to the doc­tor, get­ting some blood tests, he don’t know what it be that be swelling inside of me. Nex­i­um is about five bucks per pill. Got my new com­put­er, did­n’t get sys­tem disks or the OS disk sent with it. Instead, some sort of util­i­ty par­ti­tion that takes up 10 gigs of my HD. Got­ta see if I can make a restore disk that hous­es the OS and will let me refor­mat. Maybe got­ta rewire some extra CAT‑5 into a crossover cable tonight to trans­fer files between old and new. Have two wire­less net­works with­in range of my apart­ment. Still not hun­gry, but made brown­ies for depart­ment lunch today. Wish tonight was hot barista night at Luck­y’s. Wear­ing a bright green shirt today.

One thought on “More Morsels”

  1. Hot Barista night? At least I under­stand what that means, because the begin­ning of that entry was like read­ing this, alsdfkjas;ldkjfa;kdsjlaksdjjieopuwoi vnwear­ke­joi­wd­jdf nm,c vnaioeiorf hot barista night at luck­y’s.

    😉 Hope your bel­ly is bet­ter.

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