Old Page Designs

In the process of tran­fer­ring stuff from com­put­er to com­put­er and from zip disk to com­put­er, I stum­bled across a bunch of saved page redesigns from back in 2002 when I was first teach­ing myself HTML and CSS. So I snitched some screen­shots and here they are for you to laugh at.

First Page:


The images along the top linked to var­i­ous things some­what relat­ed to the images. Writ­ing, pho­tos, etc. They were rollover images, which took me quite a while to fig­ure out. The embed­ded corn­tas­tic web­cam was a sim­ple pirat­ing of some javascript [which i con­tin­ue to do even now]. There were no perma­links or archives at this point. I just added stuff and the page got longer and longer.

Grey Scale:


By this point I’d not learned any CSS, but I’d sor­ta fig­ured out <div> tables and how to make an image sta­ble on the back­ground. The translu­cent div had amazed me, so I’d attempt­ed to fig­ure it out on my own. This design is most like a myspace or live­jour­nal design con­sid­er­ing all the use­less crap about myself that I stuffed in all the edges.


I still sort of like this design, except for the stu­pid pic­ture I was still stick­ing every­which­way. I real­ly need to get to Big Fun and use the pho­to booth there. Still run­ning this with­out a CMS. Most of these redesigns hap­pened a month from each oth­er.


This one does­n’t parse cor­rect­ly in Fire­Fox so it looks a bit off. The gap­ing white space should­n’t be there. Don’t have much else to say. I want­ed rich­er tones instead of the stan­dard red yel­low and blue shades.


This design I think would work well on anoth­er site that isn’t a weblog. The white menu is DHTML and retractable if you click on the lit­tle white arrow. Or would be if this just was­n’t a screen­shot.


I got a lot of com­pli­ments on this design at the time. I’m not real­ly sure why. It is a severe­ly out­dat­ed table set­up and only had one post vis­i­ble at a time.

3 thoughts on “Old Page Designs”

  1. Adam… you got com­pli­ments because it’s PRETTY. Sheesh… no one cares whether you’re using css, html or even dreamweaver so long as it looks nice. I’m not exact­ly web-savy genius that you are yet, but I’m learn­ing alot… and I still find myself using tables because I like the way they LOOK. BTW hi!

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