Habitat Workday Take Two

Today I was able to dust off the skills I learned in my met­al sculp­ture class in col­lege in order to fab­ri­cate some anchors for the retain­ing wall. Sparks were fly­ing just like the old days. I also had to thread some pip­ing, which was basi­cal­ly large scale epee build­ing. I wish uni­ver­si­ties required more technical/artisan/crafty class­es. It nev­er ceas­es to amaze me how lit­tle some peo­ple know about the uses of elbow grease, blood and vine­gar. Brief for­ays in tech class in mid­dle school are not near­ly enough. I’ve sort of got farmer’s tan now, as well.

2 thoughts on “Habitat Workday Take Two”

  1. ” It nev­er ceas­es to amaze me how lit­tle some peo­ple know about the uses of elbow grease, blood and vine­gar.” — the skin­ny pale cubi­cle-work­ing dork says 😉

    Seri­ous­ly, glad to hear you had a good time going out­side and doing some real work for a few days on the com­pa­ny’s buck. 🙂

    See you mon­day

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