Habitat Workday

My com­pa­ny lets us have two days of paid vol­un­teer work a year, I used my first day today and will use my sec­ond day tomor­row, work­ing for Habi­tat for Human­i­ty. Last year involved lots of earth-mov­ing and buck­et clean­ing. This year I man­aged to get my hands on some pow­er tools and did some site main­te­nance of the Greater Cleve­land Habi­tat facil­i­ty. We added some wind bleeds to a wind­break and rein­forced a retain­ing wall. I real­ly like work­ing with my hands. Who knows what tomor­row will bring?

4 thoughts on “Habitat Workday”

  1. Habi­tat rocks. Good work Adam. I’ll keep you on my list of folks to call for Gen­er­al Con­tract­ing help :).

  2. Habi­tat is such a great invest­ment of vol­un­teer time, and you’re lucky that your employ­er rec­og­nizes the val­ue of vol­un­teerism.

    I’ll keep you in mind when I’m ready to build the retain­ing wall for my patio. 😉

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