
I am a mild sort of wom­an­iz­er and I’m try­ing to get over it. I’m always talk­ing about some ran­dom girl that I think is hot, and basi­cal­ly being a big fat mid­dle school kid. I think my friend nailed the prob­lem when she said:

i just think that when you are so pre­oc­cu­pied dai­ly with the fact that you ain’t got a woman, the woman starts to become some sor­ta gen­er­al object (place-filler) instead of a spe­cif­ic per­son… hence the “wom­an­iz­ing.”

Per­haps becom­ing less occu­pied with my per­cep­tion that hav­ing no girl = lack will get me head­ed in the right direc­tion.

3 thoughts on “Womanizer”

  1. Adam, hav­ing been in the car dur­ing your “wom­an­iz­ing” I have to say that you are a mild womanizer..but I mean mild as a *green pep­per* wom­an­iz­er.

  2. Shalom Adam,

    At the end of our lives we regret the things we did­nt’ do, not the things we did.

    You’re sin­gle and unat­tached. You can­not wom­an­ize too much.



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