Mother Visit

I had a long and busy week­end since my mom was in town. I man­aged to final­ly get to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, we had a great din­ner at Par­al­lax, my corn plant was divid­ed and repot­ted, so now my cage cube is a bit nicer. She also helped me sand my kitchen table. I’m refin­ish­ing it, and exces­sive humid­i­ty from this week­end is mak­ing it take for­ev­er for the stain to dry. Hope­ful­ly I’ll be able to put on a sec­ond coat this after­noon. Then, three coats of polyurethane, and it will be in impres­sive con­di­tion for my upcom­ing din­ner par­ty. I picked up two oak t‑back chairs as well, they’ll need refin­ished even­tu­al­ly too. They were 30 bucks a pop, I would­n’t have paid that for them, but mom bought ’em. Oth­er than that I man­aged to keep her from spoil­ing me. It was nice to hang out with her, espe­cial­ly since I had­n’t seen her in months. I wish the weath­er would have been a bit nicer so she could’ve enjoyed her hotel’s out­door pool.