Weirdest Dream Ever

I had a new weird dream last night. It took place in this pseu­do-neo-gotham-trench­town hybrid city; always night. and I was try­ing to catch up with this girl because she had some sort of infor­ma­tion that was cru­cial for some sort of rea­son. Its one of those, “the per­son you are look­ing for is always flit­ting around the cor­ner off in the dis­tance” dreams for a while, then as I’m crawl­ing over the glass roof of a greenhouse/warehouse, I slip in through a lou­vered win­dow, clam­ber down some scaf­fold­ing, go out­side, wake up the bum on a bench who hap­pens to be the girl I was chas­ing. Then it turns out she is a trai­tor and I’m grabbed by some peo­ple who are try­ing to use me for some rea­son and keep attempt­ing to drug me using a sup­pos­i­to­ry except I’m too tight-assed for it to work. [WTF? I mean, I have weird dreams all the time but this one was fucked up even for me.] When­ev­er they take their atten­tion away from me I escape. I end up under­ground in this hor­ri­ble bombed-out third-world cesspool of strange dis­eases where peo­ple are killing each oth­er just because they are vicious. I final­ly make my way to the sur­face, am extreme­ly relieved to do so, and changed in some way. I’m try­ing to get my bear­ings and this street ven­dor comes up to me and we both say at the same time “The worst thing in the world is men killing men.” as if we’d both been through the same expe­ri­ence and were marked to each oth­er in some way. The dream was going to con­tin­ue where I was going to try to catch that girl again and find out why I was betrayed but I woke up and went to the piss­er instead.

6 thoughts on “Weirdest Dream Ever”

  1. Adam, are you lay­ing on the sofa? I believe this dream was an exten­sion of your past real-life ren­dezvous with the attrac­tive young lady and the old Ital­ian man in Tremont, which you blogged about. Do you remem­ber them? I thought not, that’s why you need my help. Please make an appoint­ment with my assis­tant on your way out…

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