Curse of the Laptop

I’ve been “work­ing” on switch­ing to Word­Press and com­ing up with a nice redesign for a few months now. Work­ing is in quotes of course, because every time I open up the CSS files I imme­di­ate­ly lose all inter­est in cob­bling every­thing togeth­er with duct tape, sil­i­con caulk, spit and piano wire. I health­ily place all the blame for this on my lap­top. With­out a huge mon­i­tor and opti­cal scroll-bar three but­ton mouse and ergonom­ic key­board, I just don’t have the patience to sit on my ass in front of a com­put­er for hours. Because that is what I do at work all day. Instead I have to do ter­ri­ble things like watch Lost Tales of the Formi­cans at the Lim­in­is, run a 5k, ride my new bike for a cou­ple of hours or con­sid­er get­ting my hands on some art sup­plies for no par­tic­u­lar rea­son [i can’t draw, have nev­er paint­ed and cer­tain­ly can’t afford met­al sculp­ture equip­ment]. Yep, it tru­ly is a shame that I keep com­ing up with bet­ter things to do than wres­tle with an errant <div> tag.

2 thoughts on “Curse of the Laptop”

  1. i hear ya. I’d love to spend more time work­ing on my blog design or writ­ing, but I, too, spend my day in front of a com­put­er. And lap­tops seem to encour­age flit­ting around the inter­net, not major projects.

  2. We’re work­ing on Word­Press too — just new to it actu­al­ly, so let us know about any great insights you come across, that way we won’t have to the work our­selves 😉 And thanks for the wel­come!

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