Life Update

My old col­lege bud­dy Liam and his wife Anne and their baby Moira were back in town last night. They moved to NYC back in Jan­u­ary. I man­aged to have an Edmund Fitzger­ald with Liam last night, and hope­ful­ly I’ll get to hang out with him again when they pass back through on Sun­day. Patrick and his wife are going to be moved to NYC once Sep­tem­ber hies hith­er. All of my friends are mov­ing from Cleve­land to NYC, and I did the oppo­site. Heh. So I’m try­ing to make some new friends around here so I don’t bug the few I have left to death. So Tues­day night I had a cou­ple of Tremon­ter’s that are my age over for din­ner and some three per­son euchre and this cool game called Pick Two. So that’s a good start. I’m still most like­ly to go hang out with peo­ple 10 to 15 years my senior though. That’s so weird. In oth­er mun­dane news I have real­ized I no longer have any neces­si­ty pur­chas­es to make for my cur­rent lifestyle. Now that I have a table AND chairs, my apart­ment feels com­plete and I’m con­tent to just lay around on my ass and read when I’m not rov­ing the neigh­bor­hood or run­ning my knee into pumice. I’m pret­ty con­tent. I don’t even have a great need to find myself a woman, and that is def­i­nite­ly atyp­i­cal. Must be fumes from the steel mill.

6 thoughts on “Life Update”

  1. Don’t give me lip. It is a per­fect­ly accept­able game and we did­n’t have access to a fourth per­son. 🙂

  2. well, then you both need to come next sat­ur­day and play with amy and myself if she comes.

    pre­pare for an ass whup­pin.

  3. heh, the only per­son that can beat me at euchre is my grand­ma. she’s also the only per­son who can beat me at scrab­ble, damn her.

  4. uh oh.

    i think you need to drop in so i can prop­er­ly kick your ass at both. i haven’t had a decent scrab­ble oppo­nent in years, and let’s just say euchre dom­i­na­tion runs in my blood (father is 4 time euchre cham­pi­on of ufcw local 880)

    do you dare? 😉

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